Klient : Atrium Promenada
Obszary : Events

Fifth Dimension at Atrium Promenada

Together with Atrium Promenada, we designed a special creative space called the “Fifth Dimension”, which engages mall visitors to take part in activities and workshops that broaden their interests while expanding their cultural, artistic and scientific horizons.

Events Piąty Wymiar zajęcia

Fifth Dimension activities include those designed especially for children, adults and seniors such as language classes, dance lessons, computer programming workshops, judo exercises and acrobatics courses taught by qualified specialists from local businesses and institutions in the shopping mall’s immediate vicinity.

Events twórcza przestrzeń Promenady

In addition to weekly classes, the Fifth Dimension features special guests and thematic workshops for children and adults which draws numerous regular visitors to the workshop zone located in a newly constructed section of Atrium Promenada’s second floor. The complete schedule of classes and workshops is available at www.piatywymiar.promenada.com.

Valkea’s Fifth Dimension activity project was among the finalists of the ICSC Solal Marketing Awards 2019, the most prestigious retail industry international marketing competition.