To revitalize a communication channel with current and potential customers visiting the telecom operator’s showrooms, we designed and produced an engaging magazine featuring Play’s products and services that presents the brand as an expert in the technology-rich field of smartphones, accessories and applications.
Through original articles, editorials, useful tests, comparisons and reviews, the quarterly provides customers with actionable information about mobile devices, the latest apps and general technological information. The magazine’s formula relies on proven formats leveraged by leading international tech review magazines.
We present Play’s products and services in the context of technological innovations, the latest smartphones and gadgets to reinforce its image as an expert authority that is a reliable source of knowledge and inspiration. Interesting articles help readers navigate the technological jungle of the present making “Expert Play” an opinion-leading and comprehensive consumer publication.
Technological content with a lifestyle bent sets the communication tone with experts interested in in-depth dialogue while entry-level users enjoy practical advice, tips and inspiration. Professional articles about digital empires, technological leaders, revolutions in the industry, new technologies and artificial intelligence, written by experts, form the core of the magazine’s revised formula.