News Editor Warsaw Business Journal
As our news editor, you will be responsible for sourcing business news in Polish and providing our newsletter subscribers and online readers with an edited summary in English. You will also work closely with our Art Director to produce pages in our In Review section of our monthly magazine.
Freelance Feature Writer Warsaw Business Journal
This is a pay-per-article position while working remotely within Poland. The ideal candidate will pitch monthly ideas for feature articles (1,200 – 1,400 words) and deliver copy for editing by a set deadline. Articles must relate to business trends in Poland as well as real estate and technology in Poland.
Editor / Proof-reader
Valkea agencja marketingowa zajmująca się kompleksową obsługą marek (strategia, kreacja, social media, digital, custom publishing, eventy, content marketing, public relations) poszukuje osoby na stanowisko: Editor / Proof-reader